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Hotel in Rome City Centre

Our hotel is in the very centre of Rome, at a short walk from the spectacular Piazza della Repubblica, and form there you take the striking via Nazionale to the Quirinale area. And if you continue on you will arrive in Piazza Venezia, on one side of which there is the majestic Roman Forum which brings you straight back into history and the magnificence that was one Rome. And so in just a few minutes, you'll have strolled along some of Rome’s most beautiful streets, a short and charming walk, and on the way you will also have been able to admire many fashionable shops and interesting sites of Rome city centre.

By the Imperial Forums, or Roman Forum we mean what is left of ancient Roman buildings on a large and fascinating archaeological area which bears witness to the Roman imperial era thanks to its architecture and the urban fabric with monuments like the ancient prototype of parliament, which is what the Roman Forum was.

From the Hotel Mascagni, visiting Rome centre is a short unforgettable trip through history, is a great idea for a fun cultural holiday in Rome.



Do not miss the opportunity to stay in the center of Rome at the best rates: take advantage of our unbeatable offers!